Ah, fat. Is there any sort of food surrounded by more controversy? Any that inspires such loyalty in its adherents, such dismal doggedness in its detractors, such cognitive dissonance in those who believe it to be unhealthy and regularly overindulge anyway? Is there any food around which so much conflicting science has arisen? Being a Nourishing Traditions kind of gal myself, I tend to view fats with much more friendliness than the general populations might--though the kind of fat matters very much. Unsaturated fats oxidize far too easily--in fact, they often come from the store pre-oxidized for your convenience--and as such border on poison in my mind. Butter is, of course, a superfood, and delicious in all the best ways, and needs to be consumed daily for physical and mental health. I make my own from our cow's raw milk, and it is absolutely heavenly.... but also a lot of work, and while not awfully perishable it isn't shelf stable. So what I'm getting around to here...