When Ben and I got married, we registered for and received some truly lovely gifts. Bath towels, plastic storage drawers, hot plate and slow cooker-- these have all been used and appreciated very much in the years since our wedding. There are a few gifts, however, whose function have become absolutely indispensable to the way our family functions. One was my marble rolling pin, whose weight makes it much easier to roll out dough for cookies, cinnamon rolls and homemade pasta; the other is the Lehman's Own Hand Cranked Grain Mill. With it we turn wheat (which we buy inexpensively at the feed mill, less than $15 for a fifty pound bag) into delicious whole wheat flour, and also turn our home grown Mandan Bride flour corn into incredibly tasty corn meal. With these great ingredients we can make all manner of wholesome, delicious food. The wheat flour gets soaked overnight (often with a splash of whey to help it along) and added to my doughs for various breads, like sourdough loaves, ...